SeeDepth provides a comprehensive suite of products to measure each PR program within your campaign and to provide an overarching assessment of PR value within your organization.
SeeDepth Media
Which media outlets are most likely to reach our buyers?
What messages best drive action from our intended audiences?
Are we capturing enough industry share of voice?
How do we stack up against our competitors in quantity and quality of media coverage?
How many stories were features of just our company vs industry mentions or mere press release pickups?
What types of articles about us are more likely to be shared?
How do our media campaigns score in the Campaign Performance Index, both over time as well as campaign to campaign and us vs competitors?
SeeDepth Contact Manager
Easily find journalists, analysts and influencers
Search by Name, Publication, Beat, Twitter, and more
Keep your team informed and drive accountability: easily track and share interactions such as last date of contact, feedback, personality, preferred contact methods and more
Save time and centralize contact information in real time
Manage and measure media relationships across your team
Identify and track your strongest and most valuable relationships
SeeDepth Awards
How much have we spent on awards submissions this quarter vs last; this year vs last?
How many have we won vs an honorable mention or finalist nomination?
Are awards driving traffic that leads to buyer consideration?
What types of awards are we most likely to win?
Is our investment in an awards program driving business outcomes and helping us to reach our business goals?
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